Monday 24 January 2011

Monday 24th January - 23 weeks to go

Miles last week 45(25 road, 8 indoors)
Total miles this year 45
Weight : 15st 13.0lbs (-1.0 lbs)
Body fat : 30% (+0%)
Tantia body type 2 (obese)

Not such a dramatic drop in weight this week as getting munchies around 4.00 each day and eating chocolate bars and jelly babies... not something I usually do so body acting in an unusual way with lack of booze. Still going well though, easier than I thought, even managed a trip to  watch Ulster play Biaritz without drinking.

As for cycling, did my indoor session with the iTune spinning class again and at weekend was in Hampshire so took advantage of the situation to see Rupert for our usual ride. Been a long time and was in very poor condition. Lot of work to do between now and summer.

Monday 17th January - 24 weeks to go

Miles last week 8(0 road, 8 indoors)
Total miles this year 45
Weight : 16st 0.0lbs (+4.0 lbs)
Body fat : 30% (+0%)
Tantia body type 2 (obese)

Well, only one go on exercise bike this week, but the non-alcoholic January is having an effect with 4lbs down. Downloaded spin session from iTrain, very good though only 30 mins. Average power up to just under 230 which is pretty good.

Monday 10 January 2011

Monday 10th January - 25 weeks to go

Miles last week 8 (0 road, 8 indoors)
Total miles this year 53
Weight : 16st 2.0lbs (-2.0 lbs)
Body fat : 28% (-2%)
Tantia body type 2 (obese)

Not a great week for cycling particularly as I was at home on holiday, however, did get onto the exercise bike and do a hard half hour - well its a start. Alcohol stopped for January result a couple of pounds lost, however, not sure pints of ginger beer is going to help.

Got organised about our trip to Mallorca in May, everyone now booked on Easyjet and Roche have got new Trek Madone bikes for hire so should be fun and I don't have to lug my bike down on the plane.

Neil McClumpha has decided to join us on the Marmotte and is suggesting he and I cycle part of the way down to our awayweekend in the South West this May, could be fun too, watch this space.

Monday 13 December 2010

Monday - 3rd January 2011 - 26 Weeks to go

Miles last week 45(45 road, 0 indoors)
Total miles this year 45
Weight : 16st 4.0lbs (+0.0 lbs)
Body fat : 30% (+0%)
Tantia body type 2 (obese)

Aaah, well almost a year on from last post an still going to do the Alpe but in 2011. Last year training plan was disrupted so in no shape come July to complete the Marmotte. However, did go down with Rupert and did the first mountain while Rupert completed the whole thing in 12hrs 15mins - chapeau! Particularly as I know how little training he did.

Anyway, going to have another attempt this year with both Paul and Rupert. Training started last week first with a trip to the Chilterns with Pete, a modest 30 miles but with three tough hills. Good news is I did not get off, better news is that there is clearly room for improvement. Then down to Kent to see Paul and a short but pretty quick 15 miles. Very enjoyable.

And to kick start the training and weight loss regime have decided to join Pete in abstaining from alcohol in January..... small wager on which of us will loose the most weight, watch this space.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

MONDAY 25th Jan - 23 weeks to go

Miles last week 37 (0 road, 37 indoors)
Total miles this year 52
Weight : 15st 8.0lbs (+0.0 lbs)
Body fat : 26% (+0%)
Tantia body type 2 (obese)

Well, here we are again third year and after two Etapes we (Me, Rupert, Paul) now think we are up for the feared Marmotte. Very poor start to the year though, bad weather is only part of the excuse so after almost no cycling in January, I now have to begin to put some mileage in. Paul and I have been down to Richmond a couple of times but only did two laps on both occassions, however, I have now got the exercise bike out...